

Congratulations. You have navigated your way throughout these vast internets and ended up at inarguably one of the top two Matthew Kobylarek websites on the internet.

Visual design and creative strategy are what I live for. I love breathing life into ideas and working with a strong team of creative thinkers to make something special together.

I am always looking to tackle the next challenge that comes my way and I’m always eager to learn more from my team and my experiences.

I graduated from the College for Creative Studies in 2010, and have since worked as a 2D Artist across a wide range of games, apps, and children's learning titles. Through my career I have worked on concept art, user interfaces, art direction, and promotional illustration.

In the gaming space I have worked on titles designed for mobile, PC, and consoles. When it comes to apps and embedded systems I’ve worked on everything from phones to car navigation systems and even a few ovens along the way